Sunday, December 19, 2004

anti-telemarketing script

anti-telemarketing script
brilliant script for discombobulating telesales people. But in the Uk we can register with a gvt site to have calls blocked: telling the (now very few) cold-callers who still hit on us that they are infringing this always makes them back off. So I'm unlikely to need to use this.

Friday, December 17, 2004


blinkx: "Get blinkx desktop 2.0 with Smart Folders" New version - this has immediately proved useful for me in searching for errant files, and I can see real potential as an engine to searchh large archives.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Museum of Hoaxes

Museum of Hoaxes
nicely organised into user-friendly categories - but is it all one big hoax? Hmm - Grauniad is spelled wrongly.

NMAI - Indian Humor - Table of Contents

NMAI - Indian Humor - Table of Contents
Native American humour - illustrations and sculptures. Strange, almost all make political statements!

Saturday, December 04, 2004


There are many interesting things on this site - earth from spce, an original theory of UFOs, downloadable classic SF novels and more recent material, hints on making your DVD multiregional under Win98.... lots of good science and computing...